It is already available the Executive Summary of GT1, GT2 and GT3 for download

gt1 gt2 gt3 en v2

The Executive Summary - GT1 is a document that seeks, among other things, record, and discuss the major scientific works published after 2007, especially those related more directly to climate change in South America and Brazil.

Already in preparing the Executive Summary - GT2, we tried to identify the vulnerabilities of the country against global warming and evaluate the different impacts in key sectors of the economy and society, according to climate projections until the end of the century. This document also identifies studies and adaptation to climate change in Brazil until the year 2012.

Finally, the Executive Summary - GT3 provides subsidies to the discussion of the several segments of the national society about costs, benefits and means of transition to a society of low GHG emissions.

gt2 grid ingles v2
